Belize Day 13: Monster Burrito and Shark Ray Alley

We went to town today in search of a strong cup of coffee. San Ignacio and Tikal had terrific coffee. Here in the Cayes, the coffee was less than stellar. We heard rumor of a place downtown called Island Delight that serves up the best coffee. We found the place and pulled up a seat at the outside coffee bar. We ordered two cups of the house blend. Full roasted. Bold. Oh yes, this is the best coffee on the Cayes. Sitting next to us is Jason, a transplant from Washington state. He tells us about a hole in the wall restaurant that serves up a monster lobster burrito. Diane and I decided to check it out. Waruguma is so small that we walked by it twice. We ordered the lobster burrito not knowing really what to expect. But when it showed up at our table, that bad boy was humongous, stuffed full of lobster, and absolutely delicious. ( Check out the Monster Burrito video ) Great coffee. Best lunch on our trip. We are on a roll. Shark/Ray Alley & Hol Chan We decided to give...