How to Build a GoPro Water Ski Rope Mount

One of the best views of water skiing is to mount a GoPro to the ski rope. Here is how to build the rope mount.
Parts needed:
Parts needed:
- 2-foot piece of 3/4" PVC pipe
- Duct tape
- GoPro bicycle clamp
- Foam noodle
- Wrist strap
- Zip tie
Fit the two halves over the rope and duct tape them to the rope and the V part of the handle. Duct taping to the V section is key to keeping the camera upright.
Attach the GoPro bicycle clamp to the pipe. Make sure you have a safety leash hooked to the camera and rope so it doesn't end up at the bottom of the lake or river. I used a wrist strap from one of my still cameras and threaded the thin end through the GoPro latch and zipped tied the other end to the rope.
Add a section of a foam pool noodle to the rope to ensure good floatation. Duct tape the noodle closed. Add some duct tape on each end of the rope next to the noodle to prevent it from sliding.
Below is a video with multiple views of water skiing using a GoPro, including the ski rope mount.
Below is a video with multiple views of water skiing using a GoPro, including the ski rope mount.
As for mounting on the ski, I put it just below the curve of the tip to give it enough room to point the GoPro upwards with the floaty on. Wasn't a great shot but worked OK.
Post a link if you shoot any video. It would be great to see it.
I mounted my camera on my ski but it fell off! I was using the regular stickey attachment, so this year I'm going to use the surf attachment for more strength and have a saftey tether. This happened twice, lost the first camera but had a float on the second and got it back.
Water Skis
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