Belize Day 2: San Ignacio

The two-hour ride to San Ignacio took us through the capital, Belmopan, where we stopped to drop off and pick up new riders. (No chickens got on.)  The moment the bus doors opened, several vendors stormed the bus selling food. They had sandwiches, plantins, chips, candy, and soda pop. A few minutes later, the bus rumbled on to our destination.

San Ignacio is a small town in western Belize, only a few miles from the Guatemala border. The first thing I noticed is this must be the place where cabs go to die. Smashed. Beat up. Shattered windshields. Seats with no padding. Sticky doors. There would be no comfortable rides in this town. We read to always ask the price before getting into a cab. That way there aren't any surprises. That was a good tip. The cabi and I settled on $5BZ to take us to our hotel, Cahal Pech Village Resort.

The resort is located on the hills overlooking the city. We were staying in a charming, thatched roof cabana with a screened in porch and hammock. As the sunset over our cabana. I started to hear the faint noise of dogs barking in the distance. By dark, it felt like every dog in town was barking. Thank goodness we packed earplugs. They helped muffle the noise and allowed us to fall asleep.

Next: Cave Tubing


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