Research Cruise: Donning an Immersion Suit

The waves crashed over the railing of the ship as I moved the large sensor out into the ocean. How did a person who gets motion sick in the back seat of a car, end up on a research ship in the middle of the ocean?

It all started last April when I took a new job at a research center that studies river-to-ocean science. They hired me as the web/marketing coordinator and one of the jobs was to create videos. Well wouldn't you know, they wanted me to go on a research cruise and document life aboard. The idea was to capture the scientists working and living at sea for two weeks. I thought it would be an interesting way to tell their stories.

Except for one little fact, I get seasick. Thank goodness one of the staff told me about the seasickness "patch" you can get from your doctor. It's supposed to help prevent seasickness. You put it on before you depart and change it every couple of days. I ordered enough to last a month. (Better safe than sorry.)

Watch as I attempt to put on the emergency survival suit in under 60 seconds.


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